Sales Training Exercise - Defining and Explaining a Sales Objection
Here’s your exercise this week. Get with your sales team. Coach them to come up with 5 or more statements to cushion a prospect’s objection. These are generic statements that simply acknowledge you heard their concern. For example, "your price is too high" is a common sales objection salespeople hear. Members of your sales team can then respond:
I can appreciate that...
I hear what you’re saying...
I know how you feel... Simple statements of acknowledgement like these allow you to keep the conversation neutral. Your salespeople can then ask a simple question, like: “When you say price, how do you mean?” Remember, your task, under these circumstances, is to keep the conversation consultational. You want them to define and explain their objection without being confrontational. If your prospect feels their position is threatened or there’s a battle brewing, they will dig in for the coming battle and you won’t get an accurate response in your discovery. You can find the entire process for getting your prospect to define, defend, and explain their objection here in our Resolving Sales Objections manual. Download copies for your team before your next sales meeting. Review the process with them and begin creating a sales process that produces consistent and steady results.