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Is Your Sales Team Disabled by Your Sales Enablement Software?

Updated: May 30, 2023

sales enablement marketing automation crm and the technology to support a high performance sales team

Take Our Sales Team Science Assessment, Specifically Designed to Evaluate High-Performance Sales Teams

Sales Enablement. One of the  Drivers of High-Performance Sales Teams, yet the least understood—let alone appreciated. This critical driver encompasses all the technology you employ to capture leads, engage and track prospects, connect with customers, and close deals.

But does your sales team fully understand and embrace their Sales Enablement software? Do your sales enablement metrics completely align with the company/team goals? Is your Sales Enablement charter embraced and enforced by your Sales Enablement leader? Do you even have a Sales Enablement leader?

From your culture to your team’s expectations, from prospecting strategies to the philosophies that drive your KPIs, your sales team needs to excel to be able to compete and close. The good news is—as every great salesperson knows—gaps mean opportunities. And opportunities mean potential.

That’s where Sales Team 6 comes in.

Using a six-part assessment targeting the 6 Drivers of High-Performance Sales Teams, we’re able to analyze your team’s metrics to determine what tools are needed to excel in their respective roles to help drive revenue.

Responses are then used to generate a customized scoring tabulation conducted through specialized software, with a perfect score set at 150 points. Armed with this information, we will evaluate and design a training playbook tailored specifically to the strengths and weaknesses of your existing sales team.

The result? Increased sales productivity. Reduced sales cycle time. Higher close rates. In 90 days or less.


Take the Sales Team Science Assessment today!

Selling is an away game from Lance Tyson

Want to learn more about Sales Enablement and how your people can use technology to amplify their talent? Check out Lance Tyson's book Selling is an Away Game, available online at Amazon now.

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